
Cooling Tower Inspections and Evaluations | Cyrco, inc.

Professional and Thorough Inspections and Evaluations of Factory-Assembled (FAP) and Field-Erected (FEP) Cooling Towers, for Both Crossflow and Counterflow Configurations

Cyrco professional evaluates and inspects cooling towers of any scale Cyrco offers no cost, no obligation, walk-down inspections for most factory-assembled or smaller field-erected towers, through complete level III comprehensive paid inspections of multi-cell field-erected towers. Our inspections are designed to assist in client bid preparations and material specifications.

Our standard evaluations include overall condition assessment of the cooling tower as well as the primary components within each fan cell. Tower or component deficiencies identified during the inspection are documented as to location, type, and severity of deficiency with following written reports inclusive of photographs, and recommendations for both near and long-term operational reliability. 

We can assist with determining the thermal efficiency of your tower by utilizing our thermal rating software. We can evaluate the cost benefit and payback for thermal upgrades as well as energy and water conservation.

These are typical inspection items:

  • Structural Framework & Assembly Evaluation
  • Thermal Efficiency Review
  • Water Distribution Efficiency 
  • Mechanical Efficiency and Mechanical Health
  • Heat Exchange Media Efficiency
  • Vibration Analysis & Machine Health





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Cooling Tower Inspections Evaluations

  • Affiliates:
  • CTI
  • ISN
  • NFPA
  • Avetta
  • Mid Atlantic Safety Council