
Drift Eliminator Repairs and Reconstruction, Sales and Installs, CrossFlow and CounterFlow Cooling Towers | Cyrco, inc.

Sales, Repairs, and Reconstruction Services of Properly Selected and Technological Advanced Drift Eliminators, Including Blade-Style and Cellular Types. Stops Water Spot Droplet Rings on Nearby Cars and Buildings. Reduces Potentially Deadly Legionella Outbreaks. Increases Thermal Performance and Water Retention Rates.

Cyrco, Inc. replaced cellular drift eliminators in an Older Counter Flow Field Erected Cooling Tower to Prevent Water Droplets from Escaping and to Decrease Pressure Drop.

Cyrco, Inc. replaces, reconstructs, or installs new drift eliminators for all types of cooling towers


Expectations and Effectiveness of Today's Modern Cellular Drift Eliminators


Modern blade and cellular style PVC drift eliminators are up to 20x more effective than designs and materials used a mere 40 years ago. Today's drift eliminators can offer an effective drift removal rates as low as 0.0004% and are an essential, often over-looked, component of cooling towers. Brentwood Industries' cellular drift eliminators always meet or exceed industry standards, including according to third party testing, offering drift ratings that are 20-50% better than any other manufacturer's drift eliminators on the today's market. Independent testing, and verified by a CTI Drift multi-test agency, yielding drift loss results of 0.0004%, down to 0.00025%.


The Importance of Properly Selected, High-Quality Drift Eliminators:


  • Maximizes Drift Removal (Down to 0.0004%) and Reduces Pressure Drop Up To 25%
  • Reduces Health and Safety Concerns of Harmful or Potentially Deadly Bacterial Dispersion, Such as Legionella Bacteria, the Cause of Legionnaires' Disease Outbreaks
  • Curtails Airborne Water Droplet Spots On Surroundings Such as Cars, Residential Homes, Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Windows, Manufacturing Equipment, etc.
  • Increases Thermal Performance
  • Retains the Cooling Tower's Water; Reduces Energy Consumption
  • Lowers PM10 Emissions
  • Low-Quality or Poorly Selected Drift Eliminators Results: 1) Long-Term Higher Costs including Quicker Replacement, 2) More Dedicated Time to the Same Project, 3) and a Wide-Range of Inefficient and/or Failing Performance.



Cyrco, Inc. is an Authorized Reseller for Brentwood Industries Cooling Tower Products

Cyrco, inc. only utilizes the best and most proven materials for use in manufacturing and reconstructing cooling towers. This is the reason why we are long-serving, seasoned Authorized Reseller for Brentwood Industries. Our commitment to craftsmanship has earned us a continuous annual Brentwood "Superior Performance Award."

For more than 55 years, Brentwood Industries has been a world-leader in thermoplastic molding and engineered plastic systems. Their engineering department has performed thousands of R&D testing from cooling tower installs across the globe resulting in an extensive product line that is expertly developed for a multitude of cooling tower applications. As a preeminent manufacturer in fill media and drift eliminator materials, Brentwood's products perform above industry standards including exceeding the Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) 136 Standard.

Brentwood's closed cell drift eliminators are precisely engineered to maximize the surface area to capture disbursed water droplets and form a thin film of water that then retains within the cooling tower. Their design and material options minimizes the cooling tower's pressure drop and maintains an exceptionally high drift removal efficiency rate.



Features of Brentwood Industries' Cellular Drift Eliminators:


Cyrco, Inc. replaced drifted eliminators on multiple cell metal cooling towers which stopped escaping water droplets on building and cars. Reduces potentionally deadly Legionairres' Disease outbreaks.


  • Designed with Alternating Series of Corrugated and Wave PVC Sheets, Assembled to Form Closed Cells, Which Yields the Greatest Surface Area for Droplet Capture in a Given Volume
  • Alternating Tips for Non-Restrictive Draining While Still Allowing for Airflow
  • Straight Parallel Edges
  • Nesting Panels for a Seamless Fit that Eliminates Gaps Between Packs
  • Gap Removing Seals that Securely Fit Snug Around Structural Framing
  • In-Field, Custom Size Adjustability
  • Integral Drift Fill Options
  • AccuSheild Antimicrobial Technology to Reduce Build-Up, Fouling, and Weight Gain
  • Options for Removing Double Layers to Achieve High Drift Removal Effectiveness


Contact Us Today to See How We can Make
Your Cooling Tower's Drift Eliminators to Be Most Effective.


Cyrco's Cooling Tower Cleaning Services:
Maximizing the Life Expectancy of the Drift Eliminators and Heat Exchange Media

Cyrco's cooling tower cleaning services will maximize the life expectancy of your cooling tower's fill media and drift eliminators increasing the tower's energy efficiency and overall thermal performance. Our cooling tower cleaning service includes: pressure washing the exterior and interior, debris removal, dry and wet vacuuming, sanitary disinfecting, and implementing beneficial preventative maintenance practices. We remove algae, bio-growth, scale, mud, and other contaminants throughout the entire cooling tower.

Cyrco's sanitary disinfectant application kills bacteria and viruses including Legionnaires Disease and COVID-19 making our disinfectant cleaning service ideal for hospitals, universities, schools, shopping malls, corporate office buildings, and manufacturing plants.




Splash Fill and Film Fill Repacks and Repairs for Both Field Erected and Metal Factory Assembled Cooling Towers Cyrco Non-Clogging Spray Nozzle for Cooling Towers - Simple, One-Piece, Snag-Free Design Custom Metal Fabricated Aftermarket Hot Water Distribution Basins



Drift eliminator cooling tower reconstruction

  • Affiliates:
  • CTI
  • ISN
  • NFPA
  • Avetta
  • Mid Atlantic Safety Council